Saturday, February 13, 2016

Mayo Clinic Center for Tuberculosis

In recognition of the necessity for bigger attention to the world TB epidemic, the International AIDS Society (IAS) is organizing TB2016, a two-day conference dedicated completely to the present communicable disease directly preceding AIDS 2016 in Durban, Republic of South Africa.

Abstract submission for the TB2016 conference opens on one Feb 2016. Abstracts could also be submitted through associate IAS conference profile till one Gregorian calendar month 2016. Please attend World Wide to submit your abstract.
Late breaker submissions are open from twenty one Gregorian calendar month to twelve might 2016.
Abstracts submitted to the AIDS 2016 conference that apply to the abstract classes for the TB2016 Conference may be thought of for TB2016.
Final choice of abstracts through referee are done by the start of might 2016.

Abstract Categories:

    Advances in understanding the fundamental biology of TB
    TB and HIV co-infection: from immune-pathogenesis to integrated care
    Implementation science: delivering interventions to TB and its co-morbidities (diabetes, alcohol, deficiency disease, tobacco)
 measure the TB epidemic: what's the simplest method? (Prevalence surveys and programmatic implications)
    Understanding TB infectiousness and transmission
    New advances in clinical analysis as well as paediatric TB
    New tools: R&D on new medication, nosology and vaccines
    Community engagement and innovations
 translational  analysis

New England Journal of drugs publishes two new articles concerning sick infectious disease
January 14, 2016

    Intensified Antituberculosis Therapy in Adults with Tuberculous Meningitis. Read Article
    Chemotherapy for Tuberculous Meningitis. Read Article

The Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020: The Paradigm Shift
January 4, 2016
The Stop TB Partnership has released a new publication entitled "The Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020: The Paradigm Shift". This Global Plan is a comprehensive assessment of the action and resources needed to implement the End TB Strategy and make an impact on the global TB burden.
​Read Report

Messages for National Action Plan to Combat MDR-TB
December 14, 2015
The White House National Action Plan to Combat Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis charts the best course of action to ensure the U.S. does its part to prevent, treat, and control the spread of MDR TB. This plan includes four goals:

    reduce the number of newly diagnosed multidrug-resistant tuberculosis cases in the United States by 15% by 2020.
    increase capacity and improve international collaboration among CDC and our partners to improve global TB control.
    accelerate research and development efforts that will lead to better diagnostics, effective vaccines, innovative prevention approaches, and new treatment options.

Background information on Multidrug-Resistant and Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis is also included in the plan.  Read More

Capreomycin on Back Order - No Release Date Provided
Forwarded on behalf of NTCA (November 30, 2015):
We have just learned that capreomycin is not available.  Akorn (sole manufacturer of Capreomycin) indicated that the drug is on back order (not available) and there is no release date information (no estimate of when it will become available).  This information is not yet reported on the FDA website but the California Department of Public Health TB program reported this to our contacts at FDA last week.

If you have individuals who require this drug for their current treatment regimen, please remember to report any shortages/impact for your program and those you care for into the online NTCA drug shortage reporting form.  These reports, provided in real-time, give us critical information for our federal partners and at the manufacturers about the extensiveness of these supply interruptions and the impact on quality patient care.

Please direct any questions to or report a shortage right away using this website:​

​Rutgers Global Tuberculosis Institute Releases Training Road map for Public Health Nurses
Rutgers Global Tuberculosis Institute has developed the TB Training Road map for Public Health Nurses which is a collection of educational materials intended to train nurses who are new to TB.  This new resource can be used to address overall core competencies in tuberculosis knowledge and skills.  View Here

​WHO Releases 2015 Global TB Surveillance Report
The World Health Organization (WHO) has released its Global Tuberculosis Report 2015. The report finds there were 9.6 million new TB cases in 2014. While this is a slight increase in total new cases, WHO reports that this reflects improved surveillance and reporting methods rather than an actual increase in TB disease globally.The report is the 20th in a series of annual evaluations which provides surveillance data and assessments on the status of global efforts in implementing and financing TB prevention, care and control from more than 205 countries.


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